Basement efflorescence is a common issue in many homes. Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit that forms on brick, concrete, stucco, and other surfaces exposed to water. Efflorescence on basement walls is not only an aesthetic issue but also an indication of moisture damage. Since efflorescence is linked to moisture, it’s important to know what exactly causes it, how to treat it, and how to prevent it from occurring again.
What is Efflorescence?
Efflorescence is a crystal white, powdery substance that occurs on your basement walls and floors. When moisture travels through concrete surfaces, it dissolves water-soluble salts present in the material. Once the water evaporates, these salts are left behind on the surface of the concrete. These deposits are known as efflorescence and are a prominent indicator of moisture in your basement.
Why Does Efflorescence Appear in Basements?
Efflorescence occurs when water passes through your basement walls. Eventually, the water passes through, and the moisture evaporates from the walls’ surfaces. However, it leaves behind water-soluble salt deposits, causing efflorescence to grow. In most cases, efflorescence is just an eyesore. However, the salt can also be left inside the walls and push out from the inside, causing spalling. Over time, the spalling of the wall can result in crumbling and deterioration.
What Causes Efflorescence on Basement Walls and Floors?
Here is a detailed overview of the causes of efflorescence on basement walls and floors.
Moisture Infiltration
When moisture infiltrates your basement floors, it carries salt deposits to the surface. As the water evaporates, the salt deposits form the white substance known as efflorescence.
Salt Presence in Building Materials
Construction workers often use large amounts of water to place concrete. When this water evaporates from the slab after it hardens, it leaves behind soluble salts on the concrete surface.
Poor Drainage Systems
Basements are generally prone to water issues. Water seeping through the walls or floor in a basement with poor drainage systems often leaves behind salt deposits.
Hydrostatic Pressure
When the moisture content in the soil around your basement increases, the soil expands and puts pressure against the exterior walls of your basement. This hydrostatic pressure causes moisture infiltration and water seepage, forcing water through the walls and floors, which leads to efflorescence.
Cracks and Leaks in Foundation
Cracks and leaks in the foundation create an easy entry point for moisture. The moisture can already be contaminated with salt deposits, or it can react with the soluble salts on your basement’s surface. Either way, it can cause efflorescence on your basement floor or walls.
Improper Waterproofing
Poor waterproofing is one of the most common causes of all moisture-related problems in a basement. Without proper waterproofing, your basement is not equipped to deal with hydrostatic pressure or moisture infiltration. This means that even if you deal with the efflorescence once, it can come back sooner or later.
5 Ways To Prevent Efflorescence in Basements
If you want to eliminate efflorescence in your basement once and for all, here are five proven ways to prevent it.
1. Waterproofing Solutions
Investing in waterproofing solutions is a basic prevention method against efflorescence. Solutions like drainage systems, vapor barriers, and sump pump systems eliminate moisture from your basement. When there’s no moisture in your basement, there will be no efflorescence.
2. Improving Basement Ventilation
The concrete structures in your basement require sufficient ventilation to stay dry. Improve ventilation to ensure warm, damp air does not stay inside.
3. Proper Drainage and Landscaping
Ideally, your house’s landscaping should be graded away from your home. This kind of grading ensures that water will drain away from your home. Proper drainage systems, such as drain tiles and French drains, help evacuate water and keep your home safe and dry.
4. Vapor Barrier Installation
A vapor barrier is an ideal waterproofing solution that guards your basement from water. Vapor barrier sheeting between the ground and masonry will prevent water infiltration and help to reduce efflorescence.
5. Repair Cracks and Leaks
Cracks and leaks are a prominent cause of moisture infiltration, which results in problems like efflorescence. To safeguard your basement, your number one priority should be to repair cracks and leaks and permanently resolve the underlying problems.
Remove Efflorescence From the Basement Wall
If you notice efflorescence on your basement wall, here are some solutions you can implement right away to get rid of it.
Pressure Wash
Efflorescence is basically a powder, so it’s not tough to get rid of. Use a pressure washer or garden hose to dissolve it and wash it away. Make sure the pressure is not so hard that it damages the wall. You can also use a stiff brush while washing.
Diluted Vinegar
Chemical treatments are available for efflorescence. However, if you prefer to keep it chemical-free, you can use diluted vinegar. Vinegar is a natural cleaner and disinfectant. It effectively clears away efflorescence.
Chemical Treatments
You can use store-bought chemical cleaners to clean efflorescence. After cleaning the wall with chemicals, wash it thoroughly with water because chemical residuals can erode the masonry.
Call a Professional
The best option would be to call a professional. A professional technician will inspect the efflorescence and determine the underlying causes of moisture infiltration. Professional service providers will not only remove the efflorescence with industry-grade methods but also implement preventative measures to keep your basement safe from efflorescence permanently.
Schedule a Basement Inspection Today!
Efflorescence is not always just an eyesore. Sometimes, it’s an indication of a bigger problem. Although you can simply wash away the efflorescence and restore the aesthetics of your basement, the ideal solution is to get professional help and eliminate moisture issues. First Choice Waterproofing offers reliable, comprehensive, and cost-effective basement waterproofing solutions. Remove efflorescence and implement rigorous waterproofing measures to ensure your basement stays free of efflorescence and moisture.
Frequently Asked Questions
If efflorescence occurs regularly, you should be considered about moisture issues. Having your basement inspected is the best way to know whether you should be concerned.
Yes, efflorescence can potentially mean that your basement has a leak and water is seeping in. However, there are other causes of efflorescence as well.
The most common efflorescence removal mistake is ignoring the underlying issue. Just eliminating efflorescence from the surface does not guarantee that it won’t occur again. The ideal solution is to eliminate the problem from its source. Many homeowners conduct DIY removal and repairs without understanding how some solutions can affect the walls and make the problem worse. Ideally, if you see efflorescence in your basement, you should call a professional before taking any action.